322 research outputs found

    Effect of ß-cyclodextrin on phospholipids and cholesterol of the milk fat globule membrane

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ß-cyclodextrin (ß-CD) on phospholipids and cholesterol in raw pasteurized milk with the purpuse on removal cholesterol from the milk fat. Total phospholipids decrease slightly in ß-CD treated milk but were not signinificantly affected by the effect of the ß-CD. ß-CD is an effective oligosacharide for cholesterol removal from milk with more than 97% of reduction and does not affect significantly the individual phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserina) of the milk fat globule membrane.The authors thanks to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness from Spain (grant number AGL-2011-26713).Peer Reviewe

    Effect of beta cyclodextrin on the reduction of cholesterol in ewe’s milk Manchego cheese

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    Beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is a cyclic oligosaccharide consisting of seven glucose units and is produced from starch using cyclodextrin glycotransferase enzymes to break the polysaccharide chain and forming a cyclic polysaccharide molecule. The use of β-CD in food research for reduction of cholesterol is increasing due to its affinity for non-polar molecules such as cholesterol. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using β-CD in cholesterol removal from pasteurized ewe’s milk Manchego cheese and evaluate the effect on the main components of the milk, lipids, and flavor characteristics. Approximately 97.6% cholesterol reduction was observed in the cheese that was treated using β-CD. Physicochemical properties (fat, moisture and protein) were not changed by the β-CD treatment, except the soluble nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen that showed slight differences after the treatment. The amount of the different components of the lipid fraction (fatty acids, triglycerides and phospholipids) were similar in cheeses treated and not treated with β-CD. Flavor compound and short chain free fatty acids were not mostly significantly influenced by the effect of the β-CD. β-CD molecules are edible and nontoxic and as a result they can be used safely for cholesterol removal processing in cheese manufacturing. Therefore, the present study suggests that β-CD treatment is an effective process for cholesterol removal from Manchego cheese while preserving its properties

    Determinantes de los tipos de interés a largo plazo. Estudio empírico para la Eurozona.

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    En este trabajo el objetivo es conocer los determinantes de los tipos de interés a largo plazo en la Eurozona para una muestra de 18 años. En primer lugar, vemos la teoría sobre tres modelos macroeconómicos: la ecuación de Fisher, el mercado de dinero y el mercado de fondos, así como la literatura escrita en el siglo XX acerca de ellos. En segundo lugar, estimaremos dos modelos macroeconómicos: uno relacionado con la ecuación de Fisher y otro más amplio que reúne el mercado de dinero y el mercado de fondos. Aplicaremos el análisis univariante y de cointegración a los datos de las variables y, tras ello, estimaremos los modelos y aplicaremos contrastes. Sobre el primer modelo hemos concluido que existe efecto Fisher, pero parcial, y para el segundo modelo concluimos que los determinantes de los tipos de interés son el pasado del propio tipo, la oferta monetaria M2 y el tipo de interés americano. También podemos afirmar que ambos modelos son aptos para realizar predicciones por su bajo porcentaje de error

    Quantitative and qualitative determination of CLA produced by bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria by combining spectrophotometric and Ag+-HPLC techniques

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    Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria (LAB), especially from the genera Lactobacillus and Lactococcus, are commonly used in the production of fermented dairy products due to their potential probiotic characteristics. Moreover, some strains of these microorganisms also have the ability to produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) from linoleic acid (LA), which has attracted much attention as a novel type of beneficial functional fermented milk. In the present work 22 probiotic bacteria were tested for the production of CLA, using a UV screening method and HPLC techniques. Five microorganisms, two strains of the genera Bifidobacterium, two Lactobacillus and one Lactococcus were selected for their ability to produce CLA after incubation in skim milk with free LA as a substrate. It was possible to quantify the production of CLA (in the range of 40–50 lg CLA/ml) and identify the CLA isomers produced as C18:2 cis 9, trans 11 (60–65%), C18:2 trans 10, cis 12 (30–32%), C18:2 trans 9, trans 11 and C18:2 trans 10, trans 12 (2–5%)

    Appraisal of the suitability of two-stage extraction process by combining compressed fluid technologies of polar lipid fractions from chia seed

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    Although triacylglycerols (TAG) are the major constituents of chia oil, it also contains minor lipid fractions that include phospholipids (PL) among other desirable components. Its amphiphilic character and excellent biocompatibility make PL appropriate for numerous applications with technological and nutritional significanceand potential health benefits. Given the difficulties entailed by the PL isolation, the efficiency for extracting such compounds using two environmental friendly techniques, pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was evaluated. By using PLE with food-grade ethanol (EtOH), an oil recovery close to 100% was achieved in just 10 min. This oil extract was particularly rich in α-linolenic acid (ALA; 70%) as compared to the oil extracted by SFE (56%). In the case of SFE, the oil recovery was only 87% but increased to 99% when ethanol was added to CO2. However the use of co-solvent did not affect the fatty acid profile of the supercritical extracts or their TAG composition, where the high molecular weight TAG species were the predominant in all cases. With the exception of SFE without co-solvent, all methods applied were capable of extracting the PL fraction, although the content and distribution of the individual components present in this fraction differed markedly depending on the extraction conditions used. In this context, the use of a sequential extraction process, combining SFE and PLE was particularly interesting. The re-extraction by PLE of the chia cake, previously defatted by SFE, allowed to obtain an oil extract highly enriched in PLs, whose content exceeded 16% and with a higher PL species than the rest of the oil extractsThis study was supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain (AGL2017-87884 MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE); by the Comunidad de Madrid through the B Programa de Actividades en Tecnologías, Spain (ALIBIRD-CM S2013/ABI-2728

    Aprendizaje autónomo, desarrollo académico y variación de estrategias didácticas implementadas y obtenidas en los estudiantes de primera matrícula en la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

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    Este trabajo está motivado por la necesidad de considerar el APRENDIZAJE AUTÓNOMO como estrategia pedagógica óptima para que los estudiantes de primera matrícula de la UNAD, puedan resolver por sí mismos algunos problemas que pueden afectar negativamente su adaptación a las nuevas didácticas de la educación universitaria. El planteamiento general del Aprendizaje Autónomo muestra las bases conceptuales desde donde se origina la propuesta y en la parte final se plantean algunas estrategias para su implementación. Esta monografía reúne la información mediante el proceso de indagación y conceptualización de los modelos de aprendizaje y estrategias didácticas impartidas a los estudiantes de primera matrícula de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, partiendo de la modalidad de aprendizaje autónomo basado en las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones TIC que ofrece la UNAD. Para el propósito de formar estudiantes autónomos, los docentes requieren un dominio conceptual de la autonomía, para poder considerarla en el acto de aprender y de esta manera adaptar la forma de enseñar. Se espera que un estudiante que decida formarse en la UNAD, tenga la libertad de escoger los recursos, su tipo de aprendizaje, sin barreras de tiempo y espacio, siendo capaz de identificar si el programa en el que se encuentra matriculado, representa una oportunidad para su formación y futura solvencia como profesional.This work is motivated by the need to consider AUTONOMOUS LEARNING as an optimal pedagogical strategy for first-time students of UNAD, can solve by themselves some problems that may negatively affect their adaptation to the new didactics of university education. The general approach of Autonomous Learning shows the conceptual bases from which the proposal originates and in the final part some strategies are proposed for its implementation. This monograph gathers the information through the process of inquiry and conceptualization of learning models and didactic strategies taught to first-time students of the National Open and Distance University UNAD, based on the autonomous learning modality based on ICT Information and Communication Technologies offered by UNAD. For the purpose of training autonomous students, teachers require a conceptual mastery of autonomy in order to be able to consider it in the act of learning and thus adapt the way of teaching. A student who decides to train at UNAD is expected to have the freedom to choose the resources, their type of learning, without barriers of time and space, being able to identify if the program in which he is enrolled, represents an opportunity for their training and future professional solvency

    A Proposal for Mobile Diabetes Self-control: Towards a Patient Monitoring Framework

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    In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor.In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor

    Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL; CSIC-UAM)

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    Abstract 8 Current information about the nutritional composition of milk fat is required for the consumer and therefore 9 essential for the successful development of dairy industries as well as marketing their products. The progress 10 in the knowledge concerning some milk fat components that possess biological properties and health benefits 11 beyond their nutritional significance, have a growing interest in the dairy industry to design and formulate 12 products that incorporate specific bioactive components derived from milk. 13 In the last two decades, special attention has been paid to the fatty acid (FA) composition on all short, 14 medium chain and branched fatty acid as well as linoleic conjugated acid (CLA) in milk and dairy products. 15 Trans monounsaturated fatty acids profiles from dairy fat has gained increasing relevance because may hav

    Downstream processing of Isochrysis galbana: a step towards microalgal biorefinery

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    An algae-based biorefinery relies on the efficient use of algae biomass through its fractionation of several valuable/bioactive compounds that can be used in industry. If this biorefinery includes green platforms as downstream processing technologies able to fulfill the requirements of green chemistry, it will end-up with sustainable processes. In the present study, a downstream processing platform has been developed to extract bioactive compounds from the microalga Isochrysis galbana using various pressurized green solvents. Extractions were performed in four sequential steps using (1) supercritical CO2 (ScCO2), (2) ScCO2/ethanol (Gas Expanded Liquid, GXL), (3) pure ethanol, and (4) pure water as solvents, respectively. The residue of the extraction step was used as the raw material for the next extraction. Optimization of the ScCO2 extraction was performed by factorial design in order to maximize carotenoid extraction. During the second step, different percentages of ethanol were evaluated (15%, 45% and 75%) in order to maximize the extraction yield of fucoxanthin, the main carotenoid present in this alga; the extraction of polar lipids was also an aim. The third and fourth steps were performed with the objective of recovering fractions with high antioxidant activity, eventually rich in carbohydrates and proteins. The green downstream platform developed in this study produced different extracts with potential for application in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Therefore, a good approach for complete revalorization of the microalgae biomass is proposed, by using processes complying with the green chemistry principlesThe authors acknowledge funding from the EU MIRACLES project (7th Framework Program - Grant Agreement No. 613588). B.G.L. thanks MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) for her Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral research contract. M.H. thanks MINECO for his Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral research contract

    Sources, Production, and Clinical Treatments of Milk Fat Globule Membrane for Infant Nutrition and Well-Being

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    Research on milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) is gaining traction. The interest is two-fold; on the one hand, it is a unique trilayer structure with specific secretory function. On the other hand, it is the basis for ingredients with the presence of phospho- and sphingolipids and glycoproteins, which are being used as food ingredients with valuable functionality, in particular, for use as a supplement in infant nutrition. This last application is at the center of this Review, which aims to contribute to understanding MFGM’s function in the proper development of immunity, cognition, and intestinal trophism, in addition to other potential effects such as prevention of diseases including cardiovascular disease, impaired bone turnover and inflammation, skin conditions, and infections as well as age-associated cognitive decline and muscle loss. The phospholipid composition of MFGM from bovine milk is quite like human milk and, although there are some differences due to dairy processing, these do not result in a chemical change. The MFGM ingredients, as used to improve the formulation in different clinical studies, have indeed increased the presence of phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, and glycoproteins with the resulting benefits of different outcomes (especially immune and cognitive outcomes) with no reported adverse effects. Nevertheless, the precise mechanism(s) of action of MFGM remain to be elucidated and further basic investigation is warranted
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